Coffee Club - Rule #1: Do not talk about coffee club
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Extras Archive
Ikea Trip
- Our trip to the Swedish super store, here in Toronto. Do you think it was an easy trip? Do yah!
NewFoundland Remote
Newfoundland Part 1
- Review from Corner Brook Newfoundland
Newfoundland Part 2
- Review from Corner Brook Newfoundland
Newfoundland Part 3
- Review from Corner Brook Newfoundland
Stratford Remote
Stratford Part 1
- Remote review from Stradford Ontario
Stratford Part 2
- Remote review from Stradford Ontario
Stratford Part 3
- Remote review from Stradford Ontario
Stratford Part 4
- Remote review from Stradford Ontario
New York Trip
- Remote review from New York city
Coffee Yogurt
- The Caffiend waxes poetic about flavoured yogurt
Holiday Recipes
- Cookies, Brownies and Egg Nog!! Make em now!
Coffee Orgy
- Can you say... 'To much of a good thing'
Free Coffee
- It came in the mail, and Jack drank it!
Good Vibrations
- Reader submission. Just the way we like it.
Coffee Roasting
- Pajavagirl buys a coffee roaster
Popcorn Roasting
- Popcorn Maker as a coffee roaster
3 Coffee's
- Review of Presidents Choice Organic, Jamaican Blue, Davidoff
Danforth Retrospective
- A look back at all the cafe's on the Danforth here in Toronto
2 Coffee's
- Review of Cubita and Lion Coffee
Donut Shops
- A grueling Review of 3 popular donut shops