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Oct. 5, 2001

Coffee Club Extra

Canadian Donut Shops

    Several issues ago, we promised you a thorough investigation and review of the major donut shops in the Greater Toronto Area. Jack and Jill spent one afternoon visiting donut shop after donut shop, imbibing of the bean at each location.

    With a veritable cornucopia of donut shops for you to patronize, we braved the three most common donut chains in the Greater Toronto area.

We promised and we delievered. Enjoy!

Jack Dreams In Repeats

180     All I remember is incessant repetition and a very dark and gloomy atmosphere. Suffice it to say, I did not sleep at all that particular night. I had developed a sore throat that evening that turned into a full blown fever. Of course, there was nothing medicinal in the house that could help, and for some reason I avoided the Tylenol.

    Instead I spent the night tossing in my bed, waking with chills, and dreaming the same things over and over and over again. It was as if my mind was trying to focus on something to avoid noticing I was feverish. Then again it was most likely the fever playing tricks on me.

    It should be no surprise, but I lost my appetite for coffee. Actually, most things brewed or seeped where off my menu. That included tea, but my selections of teas is none existing , and what I had did not appeal. I let it to nature to work it out for me.

    As it turns out, it didn't take long at all, and in two days, my throat was well and the pressure in my head broke. I went back to coffee that day, but it just taste foul. I figured my home brew was not up to snuff, so the next day off to the café with Jill. This coffee also had a bit of foulness, but at less then the previous home brew.

    I opted for a fancy beverage. Café Mocha. A fine blend of hot chocolate, a shot of espresso, all topped with a health portion of whipped cream. Mmmm, the whip cream tasted oh so right and delectable. Actually, the beverage itself was might fine. All chocolaty tasting with a god strong espresso finish. On top of that, it came in a bowl, which made the whole experience quite decadent.

    It didn't end there at all, as Jill and I shared a huge slice of Chestnut Cheesecake. The girl behind the counter must have been new, cause the cheesecake was badly cut, but did lean in the correct direction of bad, namely huge. It was a delectable treat that fit the two signs of a good cheesecake. First it tastes so light and airy, dancing on your taste buds, but before you get to the end, you can feel it like a brick in your stomach. Yummy!

    At this moment, I'm enjoying a home brewed cup of joe. After this cup, I will have another. It tastes very good today, and it's very enjoyable. I don't like being sick, but these days its just more then annoying. I missed some fabulous weather, I missed some fabulous coffee drinking and I spent more time sleeping then even I like.

    Maybe it was just my shear will power that got me well in a record two days. Then again, maybe it was my stubbornness, and complete distaste for being ill, this time around. Probably, it was a little of both. The bottom line though, is that I'm happy with the taste of my coffee and I'm looking forward to more.

Jack spends time on the hill.

Jill Dreams In Chocolate

    Chocolate. We here at Coffee Club love chocolate as much as we do coffee, and that's a fact. Jack and Jill recently took advantage of a limited time offer at the Second Cup. With every purchase of a specialty drink such as mochaccinno or caramel latte, you receive a small square of Lindt milk chocolate for absolutely free.

    Ever on the prowl for a good deal, (read, we're stingy cheap asses) Jack and Jill headed to the Second Cup to get our free chocolate. Jill had a regular mochacinno and Jack opted for a white chocolate mochacinno. Good lord! We ended up mixing the two drinks because they were ridiculously sweet. And the squares of chocolate, while good, were very very small. Just a melty mouthful.

    It was tres sad to see them disappear so quickly. But Jill is a lucky girl. Jill has a fabulously wonderful friend that lives far away across the ocean in the magical land of England. He is going to send Jill chocolate from the magical land, the paradise of chocolate, where the ingredients in chocolate are limited to four ingredients: cocoa, cocoa liquor, butter and ambrosia.

     If you've ever had chocolate from the UK, you know whereof I speak. It is as sweet and naughty as a Japanese schoolgirl earning extra cash on her lunch break. Jill is all aquiver with anticipation. And Jill's wonderful friend has promised to send chocolate with COFFEE in it. Yummmmmm.

    Jill solemnly swears to share with you, her favorite monkeys, every loving detail of the arrival of the chocolate, the unwrapping of the chocolate, and the subsequent slow devouring of the chocolate. Are you excited, my pets? Because Jill sure as hell is.

Jill is avaliable for comments.

J.J.-"You know, I don't want to have coffee with Reese Witherspoon."
C.P.J-"You don't? Why'd that?"
J.J.-"Cause she has a giant chin. And she sucks. She isn't funny, or cute, or a great actress."
C.P.J-"You have a point and her chin has gotten even bigger as she ages But still she's kind of hot. Much better looking now that she's past 16 years old."
J.J.-"She's not hot."
C.P.J-"Sure she is."
J.J.-"Not only is she not hot, she's got this " I'm smart, but really I'm kind of dumb" thing going on. I think she wishes she was Drew. "
C.P.J-"I think you wish you were Drew."
J.J.-"I wish I could do Drew"
C.P.J-"I wish I could watch you do Drew."
J.J.-"Ha, ha."
C.P.J-"No, really."

This Weeks Articles:

Coffee Musings
Have Your Cake
Coffee With Anyone
Donut Shops!!
Movie Review
Magazine Review

Coffee Resources

How To Brew Coffee
Cleaning Your Pot
Roasting In A Popper

Jill's Magazine Reviews

   Jill has bravely volunteered to wade through the sea of rags to select for you, her sweetest monkeys, those magazines worth wasting an eye flicker upon.

Can You Write?

    We'd like to extend an invitation to anyone for coffee inspired writings. If you are interested, and would like to contribute some of your rantings and ravings, please send it in.

Send to:
jack@ coffeeclubonline.com