Contributed by A.P.K. Source unknown, slightly edited.
Features: This method is easy and it produces very even
roasts from the City to the French stages. Use the stovetop popper method if you only like very dark roasts.
Used popcorn poppers of the correct design can be found in many thrift stores.
They roast quickly, but usually only 3-4 ounces at a time. Since it's so easy, roasting 2 batches consecutively
is not a big deal.
What You Need: A hot air popcorn popper of the recommended design only. An optional
thermometer. A big bowl to catch the chaff, a big spoon, a metal collander (or 2, aluminum is best) for cooling, maybe
an oven mitt.
- Set up the popper in a ventilated place near a kitchen exhaust fan or window, if possible. It's nice to have strong
overhead light so you can look down into the popper chamber to accurately judge the roast as it progresses. Have all
your supplies within reach.
- Put the same amount of coffee in the popper that the manufacturer recommends for popcorn. For the West Bend Poppery
II, 4 oz. is the maximum, or 2/3 to 3/4 cup.
- Put the plastic hood (including butter dish) in place, and a large bowl under the chute to catch the chaff. We put
our popper by the sink so it blows chaff right into the basin. Turn the thing on.
- Watch for fragrant smoke and the "first crack" of the beans in about 3 minutes. Wait another minute, then start to
monitor beans closely for desired roast color by lifting out butter dish and looking into popping chamber, or, better
yet, by smelling the smoke and listening to the crackling.
- Total time for a lighter roast should be around 4 minutes, full city roast around 5, and darker roasts closer to 6.5
minutes. Roasts develop quickly, so be vigilant. You want to pour the beans out of the popper when they are a tad
lighter than the color you desire, since roasting continues until beans are cool.
- Agitate beans in metal collander with a big spoon or toss between 2 collanders until they are warm to your touch.
You may need oven mitts for this. You may want to walk out to a porch to aid cooling.
- Coffee should be stored out of direct light (and not in a fridge or freezer) in an airtight glass jar, but with a
fresh roast, wait 12 hours to seal the jar tightly; it needs to vent off C02.
- Warm, fresh roasted beans are wonderful, but the coffee attains its peak 4 to 24 hours after roasting. If you store
it as recommended, we'll call it fresh for 5 days. When you open that jar in the morning, you will know what fresh
coffee truly is.
Modifications and Refinements: We recommend the book Home Coffee Roasting by Ken Davids
to find out how to modify your popper by adding a thermometer, and to refine your knowledge and ability to
produce wonderful coffee.