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Jill's Movie Reviews

    There are many different types of coffee, and I don't mean the flavors. There is the coffee -at- the- diner -after- you've- been- drinking- all- night -coffee. There is the just- woke -up- got -a -mean- hangover coffee. There is the thoughtfully- contemplating- life -as- I -write -in -my- journal -at- the- café -coffee. (Haaahaahohhaaaahheeeee. Just let me stop laughing for a minute. There. Much better now.) And then there is Jill's personal favorite, the coffee- after- the- movie- to -debate- the- film- coffee.

    In honor of Jill's fave coffee, we here at Coffee Club are pleased to present our new column, The Movie Review.

Sexy Beasts

    This film has moved out of the big theaters and is now available for your enjoyment at your local repertory cinema. And what a tense flick this is. Ben Kingsley is riveting as the most heinous film character in recent history.

    This isn't your usual feel good gangster film, with loads of gratuitous violence and a relentlessly hip soundtrack. This film is a study in intensity, with a gradual build up of tension that brings the audience to the edge of their seats. Jill was particularly impressed with the look of the film, a rather bleached, still effect, each character at times centred in the frame.

    Sexy Beast makes good use of silence to achieve tension, and many surreal moments to convey the emotions of the main character. A word of caution, though, you may need to bring your own personal Cockney translator with you to watch this flick, or resign yourself to letting the film wash over you. Half way through the film you become more accustomed to the accents of the players, and it becomes easier to follow the dialogue.

    All in all, a fine and fabulous film to watch before you have a hot, late night coffee in a dimly lit café, when you're desperate to impress your movie watching companion with your impression of a British bank robber.