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Jill's Zine Reviews

Jills Rating System:

Nescafe................ Don't bother. Not even worth spilling your latte on.
House Blend.........Run of the mill. Slightly interesting, neither fantastic nor crappy.
Moccacinno...........Fluffy eye candy. Yummy, clever and achingly hip.
Espresso..............Beautifully put together. Sweet, to the point, not stuffed with superfluous ads and razor thin bimbos. Informative and relevant.

Vegetarian Times

    Jill loves the tofu as much as the next gal. In fact, Jill is a big fan of vegetarian food. The Vegetarian Times is the definitive magazine for the healthy veggie lifestyle. It features many recipes that all sound pretty tasty and easy to make, and articles about health and fitness.

    Vegetarian Times concentrates more upon the health aspects of vegetarianism than on animal cruelty prevention. Which would most likely make for some pretty grim reading. Vegetarian Times is friendly, colorful, and not nearly as flaky as you would think.

Jill gives Vegetarian Times a House Blend.