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Sept 7, 2001

Coffee Decision 2001

180     There seems to be plenty of scientific research out there touting the virtues of drinking coffee. I covered some of those in the last issue, but where is the research about the down sides of coffee consumption? Now we all know what those are don't we?

    First off, long time coffee drinker know that morning feeling. The puff eyes, the lack of energy, the inability to speak, which clears up pretty quick after the first cup. You've all seen what to much coffee can do, your heart pounding. That raged edge, the frazzled nerves that won't take anymore and after a week of hard work and no sleep, how easy it is for coffee to take you over that edge, into some potential insanity.

    Sure, these are detrimental effects, but acknowledged, they can be controlled to some degree, but what about the subtle effects? You ever think that maybe your decision making is being affected by coffee drinking? The worst part is, the places where coffee is abundant, the office, is also where most of the decisions are being made. This could effect everyday life.

    But how? Well, let's pretend you're a CEO of a large company. Let's pretend you like your coffee strong. You're always rushed so your first cup is at the office. What if someone asks you something before you've had coffee? Your puffy eyed and crabby, your mumbly and confrontational. If you had to decide you'd say no. See?

    Does it even out after you coffee? Sure it does, but your in an office, coffee flows like water, keeps you goosed all day, but through in some stress and intake sky rockets. Now your hyper, easily set off. Most of your decisions will be your everyday fair, but with the potential for agitation your bound to use your feelings to sculpt and mold your work world.

    Could it be that our society is coffee driven, where coffee consumption us second only to water? Could it be that your decisions are altered by your coffee intake? Could it be that if we removed this legal stimulant, our world would be a better place? Maybe, I've just had to much coffee. Maybe, I don't know what I'm talking about. Maybe.

    Now there's some food for thought. Watch and learn kiddies. It's always a good idea to pay attention, but it's easiest to ignore our own selves and motivations. Don't be a potential slave to your work-a-day world. Maybe the old saying holds true...you are what you eat, but it's best that you avoid letting what you eat become you.

Time for coffee.

Jack spends time on the hill.

Krakus Coffee Substitute

    A peculiar thing has arrived in my house hold. The label calls it an instant soluble coffee substitute and it is meant to simulate the flavour of coffee with out the caffeine. A quick look at the ingredients and what we find is roasted barely, rye, chicory and beat roots. Beat roots? Why do I want to drink that?

    Of course, it's instant, so it loses plenty of points on that one, second it has no coffee in it, which takes it out of the running. I popped the lid and took a sniff. It smells like a cross between coffee, rye bread and iced tea. The dehydrated granules look kinda like fine ground coffee beans, but the ultimate test would be to boil up some water and take a swig.

    Minutes later I had me a hot cup of water. I scooped me the recommended 1 teaspoon and poured in the water. Mixed, it kinda looked like coffee, but with a creamy looking top much like other instant coffee product. It had little smell though, and after I added my cream and sugar, it had very little flavour. Obviously the teaspoon measure is for a smaller cup then my usual coffee mug. I added a second teaspoon.

    Does it taste like coffee? No. Taste more like cheap cocoa with a hint of coffee flavour. Chicory is well known for its coffee like flavour, and is used in many instant coffees but compared to properly made fresh ground coffee, there is no contest. Anyone with a single taste bud could tell the difference. The weirdest part is that Krakus coffee substitute has a strange texture too, which makes taste considerations pretty mute.

    I would recommend you avoid this at all costs. It really kinda sucks, and isn't even good for coffee flavour. Im sure, if you really needed it, you could find much better and tastier chicory based products. This one should never have left Poland.

Jack spends time on the hill.

Coffee And A Movie

    First of all, Jill would like to make a shameless plug for the film ‘Century Hotel' which features our own favorite space monkey, Mister Joel Bissonnette. Jill hasn't seen it, but Joel is hunky fine, and even if the movie isn't spectacular, Mr. Bissonnette is a yummy little piece of eye candy.

    Now Jill would like to make another shameless plug, this time for the movie ‘Ghost World' which stars Thora Birch and Steve Buscemi and features much coffee drinkage. Go see this film five minutes ago. It's fantastic, and funny ‘cuz it's true. ‘Ghost World' was directed by Terry Zwigoff, and written by Daniel Clowes, who penned the comic that the film was based upon.

     Daniel Clowes is a genius, and for those of you who have never read his comic ‘Eight Ball',or the graphic novels ‘Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron' and ‘Lloyd Llewellyn' and if you just happen to be in search of a little psychological disturbance, do head out to your local comic shop and pick up a copy to peruse over your afternoon Americano. It's brill.

     Jill has an autographed copy of ‘Eight Ball' thanks to the Caffeind. Jill and the Caffeind made a trek to a local comic shop many years ago for a signing with Daniel Clowes, but when Jill finally saw her hero in the flesh, she was so awestruck that she couldn't approach him. What a wuss! But the Caffeind forged ahead and had Jill's precious comic signed, and even exchanged a few words with Mr. Clowes. Lucky, brave Caffeind. Jill is forever grateful.

Movies that feature coffee, even incidentally.

1. Aliens
2. Mystery Men
3. Reality Bites (not as good or as funny as anyone says.)
4. Sleepless in Seattle and You've Got Mail (but don't see either of them, for godssake!)
5. Fight Club (natch!)

Jill is avaliable for comments.

C.P.J-"Who would you have coffee with?"
J.J.-"Johnny Depp. I want to have coffee with Johnny Depp."
C.P.J-"Haven't we done Johnny Depp already?"
J.J.-"Oh, I wish we had."
C.P.J-"Um, you can leave me out of we, cause I don't want to do Johnny Depp"
J.J.-"Aw, come on. He's pretty. Those big eyes, those lips."
C.P.J-"Fine, you can do Johnny Depp"
J.J.-"You don't think it's a good idea?"
C.P.J-"No, but I'd like to watch."

This Weeks Articles:

Coffee Musings
Coffee Musings2
Have Your Cake
Coffee With Anyone
Magazine Review

Coffee Resources

How To Brew Coffee
Cleaning Your Pot
Roasting In A Popper

Jill's Magazine Reviews

   Jill has bravely volunteered to wade through the sea of rags to select for you, her sweetest monkeys, those magazines worth wasting an eye flicker upon.

Can You Write?

    We'd like to extend an invitation to anyone for coffee inspired writings. If you are interested, and would like to contribute some of your rantings and ravings, please send it in.

Send to:
jack@ coffeeclubonline.com