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August 10, 2001

Coffee Club Radio

When: Monday August 13, 2001
Time:  2-4pm Eastern Central

This is a TEST run of Coffee Club Radio.

We will be playing about 2 hours of music in the afternoon so tune in if you have a chance. Just click the link above.

Beat The Heat

    Man was it ever hot out the last few weeks. We are talking sauna like heats that came close to baking this little boy inside out. You'd think this would curb my coffee drinking a little, seeing as how coffee itself is hot. Nope, not here. I was drinking like usual, though maybe one less cup in the morning.

    This brings me to a perfectly useful solution for those without AC at home. If your hot as hell, and you want to give yourself a treat, there are a few things you can do. As Jittery Jill points out this week, for the coffee lover, there is always iced coffee beverages. Also as Jill points out, Tim Horton's gives you a better bang for the buck. Asa bonus, they have AC running all day.

    Sure, I missed out on drinking my own brew in the comfort of my home, but last couple of day's I would not call it comfortable. So, it was off to good old Tim Horton's, which lately seem to be on every street corner here in Toronto, at least in the suburbs. There coffee is more then passable, actually it's pretty darn good.

    Canada is known for its donut shops, or at least that's what I hear. We are donut crazy it seems, but does anyone consider the coffee? Maybe it's the readily available coffee that makes our love affair with donut shops so strong. Maybe the donuts are just a lovely second place to the ever delectable coffee that we all love and enjoy.

    So is donut shop coffee any good? Have no fear, your friends at CoffeeClubOnline.com will get you that answer in an upcoming donut shop expose. We will brave the 3 most popular donut chains and give you the 411. Booyah! Though I'll let you in on a secret. We really think it'll be hard to beat Tim Horton's on this one, but we'll see.

    So? Is it hot where you are? If'n you is having trouble with you environment, at least here in Canada you can enjoy a fresh coffee and delectable sugary treats at your corner donut shop. I can't guarantee that your donut shop will have good coffee, or that their donuts will tantalize your taste buds, but I'm sure their cool air conditioned interior will give you at least a little break from the oppressive heat and, there's coffee too!

Jack spends time on the hill.

Jill's Too Damn Hot

    It's another motherfucker hot day. Jaysus. And the only beverage I know of that will quench this parched yet pretty tongue is an icy cold coffee drink. Now Jill hates Starbucks as much as the next guy, but you know what? They make hands down the best cold coffee drinks ever. EVER. (Coffee Club niether supports nor endorses Starbucks, CPJ)

    Just for starters, just for kicks, try the grande mocha frappuccinno. Ye gods! It's a fantastic frothy concoction. Unlike the granita style coffee drinks that are really just coffee slush churned in never-cleaned machines, the Starbucks frappuccinno is created using an exact measurement of espresso and mocha stuff made hot, then poured over ice into a big ass ice crushing blender that chops the frozen cubes into bitty bits and thoroughly blends it with the coffee parts. The result is a perfectly contrived icy fucking cold treat.

    After you've gotten over the shock of a yummy iced coffee drink, try ordering the brownie frappuccinno. They put a whole damn brownie in the blender. It's true! I've seen them do it. They just toss that chocolatey hunk of goodness into the machine with coffee and ice and then slather the whole damn mess with whipped cream and a fabulous lattice of chocolate syrup. Good fucking god! It's the best damn thing in the world.

    Now if you are, as you should be, abhorrent to the notion of purchasing any sort of coffee from Starbucks, seeing as how they've spread themselves like pestilence over the face of the globe, then perhaps you should partake of a cheap yet perfectly sweet substitute for the frappuccinno. Yes, my friends, I'm talking about the Tim Horton's Iced Cappuccinno. Surprising but true. It's actually damn tasty and thirst quenching.

    Tasting rather like a liquefied ice cream cone with coffee- esque overtones, this cheap little slurp is available in small, medium and large. Jill recommends the large. It'll be gone in less than ten minutes regardless, as it is truly very good. And Jill also has it on remarkably good authourity that it is possible to purchase a Tim Horton's ‘Ice Cap' made with chocolate milk instead of the usual dull and pasty cow juice. This, apparently, is ambrosial, the very drink of various deities.

    Now both Timothy's and Second Cup carry their own churned ice drinks, but truthfully, the Tim Horton's Ice Cap is cheaper, bigger, and almost as good. And neither Timothy's nor the Second Cup throw desserts into their expensive ice drinks, so what's the freaking point? If you are going to sell your soul and empty your wallet for an iced beverage, get the brownie frappuccino from Starbuck's. It isn't as though there aren't right now, just outside your window, at least one Tim Horton's and two Starbuck's within a three block radius.

This Weeks Articles:

Coffee Musings
Have Your Cake

Coffee Resources

How To Brew Coffee
Cleaning Your Pot
Roasting In A Popper

Jill's Magazine Reviews

   Jill has bravely volunteered to wade through the sea of rags to select for you, her sweetest monkeys, those magazines worth wasting an eye flicker upon.

Can You Write?

    We'd like to extend an invitation to anyone for coffee inspired writings. If you are interested, and would like to contribute some of your rantings and ravings, please send it in.

Send to:
jack@ coffeeclubonline.com