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Jill's Zine Reviews

Jills Rating System:

Nescafe................ Don't bother. Not even worth spilling your latte on.
House Blend.........Run of the mill. Slightly interesting, neither fantastic nor crappy.
Moccacinno...........Fluffy eye candy. Yummy, clever and achingly hip.
Espresso..............Beautifully put together. Sweet, to the point, not stuffed with superfluous ads and razor thin bimbos. Informative and relevant.


    Lest you think for one second that Jill would pay for this crap, let me just say that it was left upon the table at one of those bookstore/coffeehouse megaliths that we all loathe and love. For the sake of sociological interest, Jill leafed through this glossy piece of poop and was horrified anew at the psychological and emotional state of women everywhere.

    This rag is the epitome of all that is wrong with the media, and its treatment of chicks. Jill feels both sympathy and contempt for any girl that would A) Buy Cosmo for anything other than ironical purposes or as a thesis for a Women's Study course. B) Believe a word of this garbage.

     Articles such as ‘Seven Sure Fire Ways to Satisfy Your Man' and ‘Three Days to a Thinner You' made Jill physically ill. Not to mention the atrocious color scheme and the trashy threads that are the editors idea of high style.

This magazine is worse than four day old coffee at an airport vending machine. Avoid at all costs.

Jill gives Cosmopolitan less then a Nescafe.

BUST Magazine

    Ah, this is more like it! Jill loves Bust. Bust is Jill's fave magazine ever. It features political and socially active articles, hot chicks and their vibrators, music reviews, and tons of fun ideas for home decor and thrift fashion finds.

    Jill is a huge fan of the lite porn or ‘One Handed Read' column that is featured each issue. The Bust website is also a fab little place to visit for chicks and the smart guys what dig ‘em.

Jill rates BUST Magazine a big fat Double Espresso