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July 13, 2001

Second Cup Donations

Hey everybody. Second Cup is donating $1 for every cup of La Menita sold on July 13, 2001. That would be today.

It's a donation to help children in thirdworld countries. I'm not sure about the details, but you can probably find out more at your closest Second Cup location.

Go on out, buy a cup. They have fine coffee anyways, and the La Menita might well be fresh all day, because hopefully everyone is buying it.

Blah Weeeeeeeee!

    I wish I was a bean counter. No not just any kind of bean counter. I want to count coffee beans, and make sure everyone of them is where it should be.

I want to mash then down and grind them up and pour hot water on them.

I want to slurp and slurp and slurp, at the bitter juices that they make.

I want to watch the colours, brown and black and beige from the pure water concoction to the sugar and cream.

I want to taste it on my palate, taste it on my tongue, the sweet and fragrant flavours of the dark brown coffee bean.

Down there in bean town, where all the beanies sleep, is where the coffee comes from, rich, dark and deep.

I want to creep in slowly, and steal a bag or two, cause that's just the way I like it, free brew, free brew!

I want to slam it down. I want to guzzle it. I want to feel its richness creeping down my throat.

I want to be a bean counter, not just because its fun.

I want to be a bean counter, because my poem is done.

Jack is in a box, counting beans.

Art Show !

Original artwork in the much underrated coffee bean medium.
By Mister Pants.

" How I came to be "
- a work in four parts -

"Too much grappa on foggy March night"

"Winning the race"

"It's a boy!

"The Bitter Bean"

Write the lovable Edward Pants, Esq.
" Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me, for me. For me! "


    Let me just say this: The Metro Toronto Zoo is huge. Bigass mothering huge. You can walk for bloody ages without seeing so much as a tiny fruitbat. It's big, and pretty, and as colorful as a baboon's butt.

    There are hundreds of awe inspiring animals to observe, and each one reminds you of just how incredible the world is, and just how really hard humanity sucks. Be especially sure to check out the new Gorilla Rainforest Exhibit, where you can watch the alpha male Charles, who has more artistic sensibilities than ninety percent of the human population, as he stares morosely at the wall, wondering "What the fuck did I do to deserve this"? And after you've spent all day on your aching feet being amazed and entranced by denizens of the animal kingdom, make your way to either of the gift shops near the main entrance, both of which are open until 8 pm. And thank god for that, because it will take you until then to make your way there from the flamingo pond. Proceeds from sales go right back into the zoo, which is a righteously worthy cause, so buy something expensive.

    Available for sale at the gift shop is a small selection of organic and transfair (read fair trade) coffees. We chose the Creemore Coffee Company's Cloud Forest Blend, which the bag states is a blend of Costa Rican coffee beans with Bolivian Cloud Forest beans. The name alone is well worth the $7.75. Who wouldn't want to live in a cloud forest? Shade grown, certified organic, and fair trade all in one tidy little package. And guess what? It doesn't taste like crap! It isn't the most fantastic coffee ever, but it is really smooth, full bodied and pretty damn yummy. Much tastier than the Organic Coffee that Loblaws is selling under the President's Choice label.

    Jill is the kind of girl that enjoys the organic experiences (and coffee too), so I strongly urge, nay, I order all visitors to the zoo to purchase a bag of Creemore Coffee Beans. Brew up a batch and get all misty eyed over the naked mole rats. You think your life bites the big one? Take a good long look at these hairless pink guys next time you're enjoying the wonders of nature and thank all your lucky stars that in this incarnation, you were born bipedal, hairy, and without the need to squirm all over a quivering mound of your fellow creatures. Oh, wait. Curse you, fates! Why oh why oh why wasn't I born a naked mole rat?

Damn the wretched luck.

This Weeks Articles:

Coffee Musings
The Bitter Bean
Have Your Cake

Two Coffee's Reviewed

Cubita baby! Then the Lion Coffee. Weeeee!!

Jill's Magazine Reviews

   Jill has bravely volunteered to wade through the sea of rags to select for you, her sweetest monkeys, those magazines worth wasting an eye flicker upon.

Can You Write?

    We'd like to extend an invitation to anyone for coffee inspired writings. If you are interested, and would like to contribute some of your rantings and ravings, please send it in.

Send to:
jack@ coffeeclubonline.com