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Indeed, we here at Coffee Club receive correspondence from time to time. And no, we will NOT send you our underwear, although Cake Pants Jack might if the price is right. We will however, offer our response.

     Mr. Robert Gagne wrote us to say:

     I was reading on your website about someone farting from eating coffee flavored Ice cream. Well I do have a question, I have been drinking Cafe DuMonde French Roast coffee for the last couple of years, usually one cup a day and a second cup at work of the usual junk coffees. Is there any proof that coffee can make you fart? I think the ice cream person probably has a lactose-intolerance issue with the dairy not the coffee.

    The Bitter Bean responds:

     Indeed, I believe I was consuming large quantities of said Coffee /Iced Cream, and actually suffered a turbulent bout of the Gippy Tummy as a result. It inspired me and flowed spirit to my pen. I write from the heart, or from the butt in this case. Is there proof coffee can make me fart? Hell, brew me a pot and put on your rain gear. I dunno what that means. Then again, blinking makes me fart. So I'm a little /biASSED/ on the topic.