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Jill's Movie Reviews

    There are many different types of coffee, and I don't mean the flavors. There is the coffee -at- the- diner -after- you've- been- drinking- all- night -coffee. There is the just- woke -up- got -a -mean- hangover coffee. There is the thoughtfully- contemplating- life -as- I -write -in -my- journal -at- the- café -coffee. (Haaahaahohhaaaahheeeee. Just let me stop laughing for a minute. There. Much better now.) And then there is Jill's personal favorite, the coffee- after- the- movie- to -debate- the- film- coffee.

    In honor of Jill's fave coffee, we here at Coffee Club are pleased to present our new column, The Movie Review.

Requiem for a Dream

Featuring Jennifer Connely the blonde guy from Fight Club, and a Wayons brother. Jill thinks that the Wayons and the Baldwins should have a merger. Or fight it out on film. And whoever wins gets to make movies from now on. I'm betting on the Wayans.

Requiem is the most realistic and least glamorous drug movie I've ever seen. It features tight, quick cuts from scene to scene that serve to facilitate the experiences the characters have with drugs. It's a very effective editing method, and an innovative way to convey the ingestion of drugs. I never want to see another close up of a syringe piercing an vein, and Requiem presents shooting up in a new and interesting light.

Originally a novel, Requiem surprisingly retains snippets of meaningful dialogue that one doesn't normally hear in a film. The down ward spiral the characters experience is tense and inevitable. The resolution is very satisfying and startling. It's not often that you watch a film about drugs and walk away feeling that perhaps it wouldn't be fun to become a junky.

Requiem is a film that sticks in your craw for days afterward, beautifully rendered but not an uneasy watch.

More Fine Drug Movies

1. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - The most accurate interpretation of a psychedelic experience on film.
2. Drugstore Cowboy - Thieving and scoring are hot.
3. Trainspotting - Poo is gross.
4. Sid and Nancy - If you love me, you'll get me high.
5. Blow - Drugs are fun, and an easy way to get rich.
6. Traffic - Benicio Del Toro is way very hot. Michael Douglas is not.