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Dec 15, 2000

HAIKU! Bless You!

    Jittery Jill has done a Fab-O job bringing you wonderfull words in the Haiku form, but even the somewhat(tee hee) talented can run dry.

    Jill calls on all of you to use those coffee adeled brains and help her come up with new and better Haiku themes.

    Coffee Club Wants You! To send us your Haiku ideas and we will bless you with more blissful break time poetry.

You know you want it!

Christmas Issue

Hey Kids!

As you all know, Coffee Club Online is a bi-weekly ezine. This of course means that we have a brand-spankin-new issue for you every 2 weeks. This month though, we have a special treat for all of you.

An EXTRA Issue! Come on back next week(Dec.22) for a special Xmas issue, full of fab-o Xmas ideas, reviews and party tricks. Least we hope.

Dont miss it!

Coffee Club Comic Pt.8

Coffee Club Online brings you Part 8 of a continuing graphic adventure.

Follow the adventures of the boy and the bean, as he struggles to find his way out, or into, no space...

Bah Hum Bug!

     "Did you finish your Christmas shopping?"

    Sure, these are relatively harmless words, and I've had more then one person ask me that very same question. Christmas fast approaches, only 8 shopping days left, if you haven't yet finished your Christmas shopping. My question is...why is Christmas all about shopping?

    I am Jack's guilt. I can tell you now, that Jack feels a bit guilty. I'm not in the best position this year to be running around and dropping loads of money on gifts for friends and family. When I hear those six words, I cringe and look for an exit.

    This year, Im getting back to the roots of this holiday. I'm spending time with friends, I'm spending time with relatives. I'm making an effort to be available to my fellow man, as long as it doesn't us up what little funds I have. Even the wise men had mules, so they say.

    What does a gift really say? When's the last time you looked over your pile of goodies and thought, ‘Everything I ever wanted or could use. My friends and family know me so well!' Um, yah. Fat chance of that. Of course there's always one or two very thoughtful items, and that's why those people are on your list as well. Usually a gift just says that you're worth whatever was spent, which has nothing to do with Christmas.

    This year, do yourself and your loved ones a favour. Be thoughtful with your gifts. Think about the person your gifting, think about the look on their face when they open the box and find something they will treasure forever. Think!

    The best part is that it doesn't have to be expensive, to prove how important your friends and family really are.

Bon Noel!

Poor Jill, she is sad:
Help! I've run out of topics!
Send Jill a topic.

Random Musings Of Mild Misanthropy

White Death

    Good freakin' lord, there's a hell of a lot of goddamn snow up here. The evil rat-bastard winter gods have unleashed their cruel powers and bestowed upon my little hamlet a whopping two feet of the cold white stuff. Overnight. Struggling for almost three fucking back-breaking hours clearing the driveway gave me a lot of time to think.

    I thought about how I wish I had said "yes" to the kid who came to my door last night and offered to shovel my driveway. Man, never mind the hefty tip he would have rightly deserved; I'd have bought that kid a hooker for the night.

    I thought about the game those loveable snow-plow guys play: How much stinkin' snow & slush can I pile up at the end of the driveway? They're off to a fine start, indeed. Score: Plow-boy: 1, Housebound Civilians: zero.

    I thought about how wickedly out of shape I am, and how I keep thinking that one day I'm gonna stop smoking, cut down on my drinking, start exercising and eating right. Since my smoke was down to the butt anyway, I decided to go back in the house to refill my Gin & Tonic and see how my double-chocolate brownies I was baking were coming along.

    I thought about how a heart attack feels like, and that there might still be a few worse ways to die than face-down in a snow bank on your own goddamn front lawn, with only about a ten square-foot area of snow cleared away.

I thought about peeing on my hands to warm them up. Then I thought about the feeling of bitterly cold hands on my Johnson, and decided frostbite was better.

I thought about how many different words there are for Johnson.

I thought about how swell a nice big mug of black coffee would taste as I soak in a relaxing, Juniper-scented hot bubble bath as soon as I'm finished.

    I thought about being young once, and never minding the cold too much. Like the time some bullies in grade school pushed me onto a roadside ditch one winter. The ditch was about three feet deep and had frozen over, but not solid. I stood in the middle of this tiny ditch-pond and I heard CRACK! The next thing I knew, I was up to my armpits in icy water and all the kids were laughing. I felt like crying, but I laughed, because my cheapo K-Mart snowsuit miraculously held back most of the water. So here was I: a tiny winter Aquaman, laughing harder by the second, because, in some twisted way, I thought victory was mine. I stayed in that water, laughing and splashing around like I was at Myrtle Fucking Beach; there was no way I'd get out before the toughies left. Eventually they left, and everybody thought I was a freak after that. Good.

    In my third hour of shoveling, I was getting a little loopy. Maybe it was the temperature shrinking the distance between my synapses, making my brain all goofy. Or maybe it was the buildup of Carbon Dioxide in my system from breathing recycled air through the ice-crusted scarf which was tightly wrapped around my face. Whatever it was, I couldn't feel the cold any more and I thought about the battles & balances between opposing forces in the universe: good needs evil; warmth needs cold; light needs darkness; drought needs rain; mountains need valleys; oceans need deserts. Love needs hate. We need our opposites. I needed those bullies; you needed your bullies. It's OK to hate, because this makes you love. I hate snow. But I love coffee. Snow: cold white stuff. Coffee: hot, black stuff. Get it?


    Farewell until next time, gentle reader. Do come back again and feel free to send me your comments, suggestions, stories, whatever. Gotta go, the coffee's on. "Different strokes for different folks. And so on, and so on and scooby dooby do!"

Edward Pants, Esq.
In life's coffee bag, be the bitter bean.

Centre Of My Universe

" The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling that I have always cultivated."

                  -Oscar Wilde

    Well said Oscar. I, Jill, applaud you, for putting into witty words my most heartfelt sentiments. I am Jill's commiseration. The above quote is one that I feel that all good monkeys should aspire to internalize. You will find it much easier to get through your days if you realize that you, yes you, are the Ultimate Monarch of your Universe, and that all the rest are beneath notice.

    You are responsible for the ordering of your world, and everyone about you are but players in your drama. And you in theirs, if you follow Oscar's logic.

     So you have a boss, a spouse, a teacher, a bank manager. Does their position in the social hierarchy make them superior to you? Do they dominate your sorry ass? Well, whose fault is that?

    Imagine yourself stalking deer on the shoulder of an abandoned superhighway. The cities are empty, the pavement littered with broken glass. No phones, no lights, no motor cars, not a single luxury. Who's in charge now?

    Chant this mantra, as Jill does, many times a day. I,(your name here), am the centre of my universe. I rock. I rock hard. In fact, I totally rule.

    This idea of being the centre of my universe was first introduced to Jill by the lovely and talented Space Monkey Joel Bissonette(see earlier issue). And how deeply I have taken his teachings to heart. And you, also, my poor benighted monkeys, will benefit enormously from this massive ego erection.

    Put a little megalomania back into your life, and come to terms with your inner Superior being. Leave that sniveling inner child by the side of the road without a bus ticket home. It's time to become the King Kong you were meant to be.