Ack, I'm sick. I haven't been sick for a year. Actually I can't remember the last time, but I figure it
was last winter. I think I get at least 2 bugs a year. I've grown out of having a cold or the flu. I'm
tired of the symptoms.
Even if I'm not doing anything, I'd rather be well then sick these days. It's a realy pain in the ass. I wonder
if I'd think different with a steady job. Maybe I'd be looking for a cold to be out of work a few days. Then
again, maybe I would just phone in sick even if I wasn't. BAH! Crap.
Did another live show with the band. Only 4 of our friends showed up. At one point it was just them, the sound
guy and the 2 waitresses in the club. It was still fun though, better then practicing at our bassists place,
thats for sure.