

At the age of 12, in his native Holland, René's parents decided to sign him up to a marching band when he started breaking dinner plates with his knife and fork. He got quite bored in the marching band because they gave him only one drum to play.

At 15 René became a full-kit drummer for a band he can't remember the name of, playing country rock, like the Eagles, Santana & the Beatles. Since immegrating to Canada he has been in three bands with a West Indies feel, and the higly succesful (in catholic girlschools) Rendez-vous, doing dance-pop and funk.

When three Rendez-vous members sought higher education, the group broke-up. Soon after, at a halloween party, René met G-Orge who was in desperate need of a drummer for Underglass. The rest is history. Rene is now on the WEB and can be reached at

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