

An artist since he was born, G-Orge decided at the age of 16 to add music to his protfolio. At this time he took up keyboarding and started to develop his vocal skills. The first band, Underglass, was to write prog-rock. These were well done, and quite lengthy in the most traditional way. With the break-up of G-Orge put his focus on Gippytummy.

G-Orge is the vocalist for Gippytummy. When practicing G-Orge uses a Sennheiser BF-518. This is an inexpensive mic if found used, but it beats a Shure sm-58 anyday.

His duties also include some guitar on certain songs. At the moment, when we practice, G-Orge uses a Takamine EG-334C, which is an electro-acoutic guitar. Very playable, and sounds great too.

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